Entry 5: Setting the Stage for Self-Determination
Entry 5: Setting the Stage for Self-Determination Photo by Joyce McCown on Unsplash #cavabienaller A continuum of motivation in SDT. I've always struggled with the dichotomy between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation; therefore I find it very interesting to look at the continuum in motivation presented by the SDT-model. The continuum goes from amotivation to autonomous motivation. The model presents four subtypes. The two subtypes for extrinsic motivation or controlled motivation are external motivation - "take action to avoid punishment, to obey an external request, or to obtain a reward" - , introjected motivation - "action to manage feelings of pride and worth, and to evade shame and guilt", identified motivation - "actions valued by the person", and integrated motivation - "actions that are fully endorsed by other behaviors and values of the person" (p.34-35). The two latter types, "along wit...